Monday, December 10, 2007

Welcome to Accessing Games!

Welcome one and all to Accessing Games. Let me take a moment to explain what this blog is all about and what you can expect from it.

I am currently a student, taking a major in Computer Science and a minor in Communication Disorders (specializing in American Sign Language). I hope to marry these two degrees to create programs to aid disabled people, something that's always interested me. I have also, for a good majority of my life, been an avid gamer, all the way back to playing games on my old disk loaded Apple II. I have played countless games over the years, and a good majority of them I have enjoyed (though there have been some stinkers, believe me). However an aspect of games has always fascinated me, wondering how accessible games are for disabled people and people different from myself. Whether deaf people can play the games I play, how text heavy games effect people with dyslexia, how certain cultures view aspects of a game differently then I. I felt that I should give these musings a place, and thus I have created this blog.

So again welcome to Accessing Games. I hope that if nothing else you gain a different perspective on games then you previously had. So often the little things in games can change the experience entirely for different people, and I hope to explore that more fully here. I will be (hopefully) putting up one article a week, so stay tuned!

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